Hello! I've moved into the age of podcasts and have decided to record a podcast versus keeping a blog going. Please head over to the...
I Want Junk Food
Why is it that I always want junk food over healthy food? Is there some sort of gene inside me that I am missing? If I am handed healthy...
I Fell
I didn’t realize how long it had been since my last blog entry. The last couple of months have flown by and I’m not sure why. The big,...
I'm Back! - What are your goals?
If you have read the About Us section on the home page of the site, I briefly talked about my speedskating career and my dream to make it...
Back to the Gym
For years I spent many a hour in a gym. I love to lift weights. I like that the results are clear. One day you can lift 20 pounds and the...
Let's Hear from You
Hello!! I’m going to try something different for this blog post. Instead of writing more about myself, I want to put it out there to hear...
The First Event
Here I have been thinking it was Tuesday and then I realized it was Wednesday and I was supposed to write my blog entry yesterday. It is...
What to Wear
It has been a crazy few weeks. We have been on the road for what I call our big trip of the year. I spent seven straight days in a truck...
On the Road
Just like last week, I am sitting in an airport as I write this. I’m on my way home after 7 days in Oregon this time around. This event...
The Event World
I sit here in the San Francisco airport on my way to Eugene, OR to work another event. This type of event work that I am about to do...