Join The Fit Figure community with a fun, at home virtual challenge aimed at helping you reach your goals and becoming active and fit.
This program is designed for women who are starting their fitness journey from the beginning. All workouts can be done at home and require little supplies. This program will build a great base for you to build upon as you continue on your journey of keeping you active.
Breanna created this program because she was tired of seeing what was available out there and none of it was geared towards a plus size woman. The programs all started too advanced which causes injuries and frustration when you cannot do them. Being a plus size woman herself, she gets the challenges of being plus size and understands where we really need to start.
May 1 – July 31
First program starts May 1st but anyone can join throughout the month. Programs will be sent out once a week on Sunday's so you start fresh on Monday.
Participants can choose a 1 month, 2 month or 3 month program.
1 month goal: walk 1 mile
2 month goal: walk 2 miles
3 month goal: walk 3.1 miles (5K)
The week's program is emailed out once a week. The program builds upon itself and is done in a specific order to help with progression and to try to prevent injury.
The weekly program will include days of work and days of rest – again it’s important to do them all and in the order the program is written.
The training program also includes a strength program to help build overall strength and balance to give you the base strength so you can keep moving forward with more activity.
At the end of each month when you reach your goal of walking 1, 2 or 3 Miles you will track your time and upload it to the registration website. Time doesn’t matter but it’s a great tool to use for tracking and to see where you started.
Resistance bands with at least three different strengths
Check out anyone you choose
Comfortable shoes that are supportive such as a running or walking shoe
Have a way to access YouTube for the yoga programs
I love Yoga by Adriene – she has yoga videos for all levels of women
As your strength progresses you may need hand weights – 2, 3, and 5 pounds
Optional – yoga mat, yoga block and yoga blanket

1 Month Training Program
Strength Program with progression every two weeks
The Fit Figure Socks
The Fit Figure bib number
The Fit Figure finisher medal (to be opened upon reaching goal of 1 mile walk)
Cost: $50
2 Months Training Program
Strength Program with progression every two weeks
The Fit Figure Socks
The Fit Figure bib number
The Fit Figure t-shirt
Two(2) The Fit Figure finisher medals (to be opened upon reaching goal of 1 mile and 2 mile walks)
Cost: $85
3 Months Training Program
Strength Program with progression every two weeks
The Fit Figure Socks
The Fit Figure bib number
The Fit Figure t-shirt
The Fit Figure training hat
Three (3) The Fit Figure finisher medals (to be opened upon reaching goal of 1 mile, 2 mile and 3.1 mile walks)
Cost: $130

Join The Fit Figure Virtual Challenge Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thefitfigure/ to talk to others in the group and share your pics and stories with me.
Like The Fit Figure Facebook page
Use the hashtags: #thefitfigure #thefitfigurevirtualchallenge
Visit www.thefitfigure.com for all the resources to help you get active. Resources include nutritional articles written by professionals, sports basics of starting something new, group activities to join, what to wear and where to get it from, The Fit Figure store with select items but we are adding new stuff as we go along.
From Breanna: I am going to do the challenge with you so I will be right along with you every step of the way. I could use a restart to my fitness. Because I was a former athlete, I have never been good at taking it easy and working back into things slowly. I am patient for about a day and then I say heck with that I can do more. But you guessed it, I end up hurting myself and the cycle starts all over again.
I will be sharing photos and recording a podcast along the way too. I want to hear from you too. Share your photos, send me questions, share your challenges and share what motivates you. We are all in this together. Get your friends to do the challenge with you and let’s show everyone what we can really do.
A portion of the proceeds from the challenge will be donated to the Women’s Sports Foundation.
The Women’s Sports Foundation was established in 1974 to advance the lives of women and girls through sports and physical activity. Our mission is to enable all girls and women to reach their potential in sports and life. We provide financial fuel to aspiring champion athletes. We fund groundbreaking research. We educate. We advocate. And we help communities get girls active. Sure, there’s a long way to go but we’re not going to stop until we get there.
Women should seek permission from a medical professional before starting the program.
The Fit Figure is not a doctor nor a medical professional. This program is the opinion of Breanna, FF Founder based on experience as plus size woman with many injuries including knee, elbow, wrist and hand surgeries.